Trollwood Performing Arts School provides high quality arts education, exceptional community entertainment, and operates as a community events and exposition center.

Trollwood Performing Arts School, a program of Fargo Public Schools, serves as the managing arm for Bluestem Center for the Arts, large circular room filled with white tablesa world-class facility headquartered in Moorhead, Minnesota. The campus includes river views, grassy meadows, woods, and wildlife. The facilities are comprised of outdoor stages, a 2,500-seat amphitheater, and the beautiful Marcil Commons, which serves as the Trollwood headquarters, an educational center, and a rental space. It boasts warm knotty pine rooms and beautiful park views.

Bluestem Center for the Arts hosts many programs that inspire a love for arts in people of all ages. The facility is used for school arts curriculum and activities, including the 12 programs offered by Trollwood Performing Arts School. Bluestem also serves as a space for public performances, exhibitions, community festivals, corporate retreats, conferences, weddings, and other private rental opportunities. Since opening, thousands of patrons and students have enjoyed these opportunities.

Trollwood Performing Arts School intentionally incorporates the outdoors into curriculum. Many of our programs are summer based, and we understand the importance of allowing youth to enjoy the season.

Bluestem Center for the Arts is an exciting collaboration between Fargo Public Schools and the city of Moorhead, serving as a testament to our region’s commitment to the arts. The center opened in 2009 thanks to generous support of the entire community.


  • United Nation’s Peace Messenger Award, 1991
  • President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Coming Up Taller Award, 2002. Trollwood was one of only 11 orgaizations across the nation to be chosen for their outstanding youth arts programs
  • Governor’s Award for the Arts, 2003, awarded by North Dakota Governor John Hoeven in honor of Trollwood’s long-standing commitment to excellence in arts education and community entertainment
  • Lake Agassiz Arts Council’s Arts Education Advocate Award, 2007
  • Certificate of Excellence for Superior Performance and Leadership by Impact Foundation through Dakota Medical Foundation, 2008
  • Fargo-Moorhead Chamber of Commerce Chamber Choice Small Non-Profit of the Year Finalist, 2008
  • Fargo-Moorhead Convention & Visitors Bureau “Countrypolitan Award” for creating the new 4-season campus to promote tourism in the Fargo-Moorhead area, 2009
  • Metro Area Mayors’ Committee for People with Disabilities “Universal Access Award” for meeting the minimum requirements set by the ADA and made additional architectural designs that have increased the accessibility for people with disabilities, 2009
  • North Dakota Parent-Teacher Association Friend of the Child Award, 2011
  • American Advertising Federation-North Dakota
  • “Best of the Valley” and “Best Live Entertainment Venue” from Fargo Forum’s Best Annual Non-Sporting Event for 5 years running
  • “Best Large Music Venue” 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 from High Plains Reader
  • Award of Excellence from NSPRA Publications & Digital Media Awards, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • “Best Live Entertainment Spot” from Fargo Forum’s Best of the Red River Valley 2022, 2023

Trollwood Performing Arts School has maintained a high standard of excellence in all its programs since 1978 as a result of the level of commitment to serve youth exhibited by the leaders of the organization. These Trollwood leaders are community members, educators, business owners, and parents dedicated to offering quality education opportunities to our youth through the arts. We thank them for their service.

Our heartfelt appreciation to the Fargo Board of Education and Fargo Public Schools leaders, for their support of our growth and development.

  • Dr. Rupak Gandhi, Superintendent
  • Dr. Robert Grosz, Associate Superintendent
  • Melissa Eidsness, Associate Superintendent
  • Jackie Gapp, Chief Financial Officer
  • Dr. Jeff McCanna, Chief Human Capital Officer
  • AnnMarie Campbell, Chief Communications Officer
  • Tara Brandner, General Counsel
  • Bill Westrick, Chief Operating Officer
  • Katie Christensen Mineer, President
  • Robin Nelson, Vice President
  • Melissa Burkland
  • Greg Clark
  • Nyamal Dei
  • Nikkie Gullickson
  • Jason Nelson
  • Kristin Nelson
  • Allie Ollenburger

A special thank you to the Moorhead City Council for their partnership in hosting the home of Trollwood Performing Arts School.

  • Mayor Shelly Carlson
  • Laura Caroon
  • Matthew Gilbertson
  • Chuck Hendrickson
  • Sebastian McDougall
  • Ryan Nelson
  • Heather Nesemeier
  • Larry Seljevold
  • Deb White

In addition to the participation of thousands, it takes love, commitment, materials, and money to keep Trollwood going and growing each year. Gate receipts and contributions comprise approximately 50% of our annual operating budget. Your financial and in-kind contributions allow us to provide unique youth development programs and high quality entertainment for our community. Now is the time to join hundreds of others in the all-important role of being a Trollwood supporter.

Make your individual contribution today!

Listed below are those individuals, companies and organizations who have generously supported Trollwood Performing Arts School. Their encouragement and financial support make dreams come true for our youth and provide numerous arts opportunities for people in the region. This list reflects gifts received between January 1, 2022 and June 21, 2023.

Prairie Public







Bright Star

Bell Bank


Fargo-Moorhead Sertoma Club


Julie Snortland

Angel in-kind

Corwin Automotive Group

Scheels All Sports Foundation


Coca Cola Bottling Company – High Country

Forum Communication Co.

Offutt Family Foundation

The Arts Partnership, with support from the Cities of Fargo, Moorhead, & West Fargo

Luminary Inkind

Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation

Forum Communications Co.

Hornbacher’s Foods


Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation

Kiwanis Club of Fargo

Xcel Energy Foundation

Imagineer In-kind

West Acres Development Company


Dawn Dexter in memory of Fran Dexter

Bob Gerke

Brent & Michelle Hella

Shiloh Lodge No 1 AF & AM/ND Masonic Foundation, Inc.

Dreammaker In-kind

David Coons/ASI Professional Associates

Minnesota Public Radio

Mistees Screen Printing & Graphics

Prairie Property Management


Sarah & Dean Atchison

Katie & Craig Brye

Rick & Janette Buresh

Center for Plastic Surgery/Alissa Adams

Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation No. 2

Cabrina Flanagan in memory of JoAnn Flanagan

Charles Bailly Memorial Endowment Fund

FM Area Foundation Fund/William & Anna Jane Schlossman

Myndi & Mark Frey

Sara Gjerdevig

Larry Holmstrom

Jill & Gary Inman

Tara & Neil Iversen

Nancy & Neil Jordheim

Jordheim Endowment Fund

Anja & Drew in honor of the Kalvoda Kids

Jennifer & John Melland

Laura & Austin Morris

LuAnne & Mike Quaschnick

Matthew Thibedeau Endowment Fund

Kenneth Scherber in memory of Kit Scherber

Angela & Brian Schulz

Shanon Sell

Stephen Silletto

Char & Michael Solberg

Judith & Stephen Spellman

The Barry Foundation/Davies HS PaY Club

Visionary In-kind

Blackbird Woodfire

Bruce Maylath

Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham – Moorhead

Prairie Public Radio

Wimmer’s Diamonds


Jeff & Jennifer Anderson

Vicki Chepulis

Deborah & Joel Davy

Gail Dexter

Corey & Whitney Henry

Rachel & Ted Horan

Industrial Builders Inc.

Keith & Lorraine Langseth

Jessica Westgard Larson & Dave Larson

In Memory of Agnes Liudahl

Robin Melcher In honor of Avery Moxness

Carly Nelson

Ellen & Rod Shafer

Olivia Snortland

Kia & Carl Trout


Kathy & Jim Anderson


In celebration of our Trollwood Friends, Rick & Cindy Fischer & Ken Frank

Carolyn & Tom Espel

Roxanne Fiebiger

Cindy & Rick Fischer

Christopher Gaddie

Kathleen Glaser in honor of Mark & Nancy Glaser

Rennitta & Gene Okerlund

Carol & Tom Gustad

Bruce Hanson

Caryn Jo Hewitt in honor of Her Kids & Grandkids

Carol & Kenneth Hopp

David Richards Knight

Michal & Charles Lang

Rachelle & Jon Martin

Jennifer & Eric Momsen

Stacie Montgomery

Moorhead Vikingland Kiwanis

Maurice G McCormick

Denese & Ron Odegaard

Danielle & Kyle Oetker

Jackie & Jim Shaw in honor of Jenny & Natalie Shaw

Barbara Silletto Hoch

Michelle & Steve Skoblik

Bette & Paul R Vandersteen


Jaime & Michael Aasen

Debra Anderson

Eileen Anderson

Jamie Anderson

Jessica Anderson

Natalie Anderson


Nathan Argall

Deneen & Kenny Axtman

Becky Bakke

Jana Banico

Rebecca Barry

Kyle Bartram

Linda & Donald Bartsch

Pam & Kim Beckius

Burton & Patricia Belknap

Janet Berg

Janelle & Steve Berge

Janelle & Steve Berge in memory of Leslie & Virginia Bahr

Kathleen Bergseth

Maxine Beseler in honor of Jack, Milo & Linus Beseler Thompson

Don & Peggy Bierdeman

Carolyn Bishop

Sara & Scott Bleth

Jay Bock Endowment Fund

Jodee Bock

Regina Bohnet

Regina Bohnet in honor of Lisa & Chris

Karen & Paul Borstad

Cherryl Braton

Rob & Vicki Roberts

Eloise & Arnie Breikjern

Judith Bristol

Diane & Michael Brock

Patricia Brosowski

Susan & Richard Brudvik

Tamara & Todd Bucholz

Michelle Bueide

Andrea & Time Burkhart

Lisa & Gregg Campbell

Olivia Campbell

Jim & Janet Kapitan

Vicki Chepulis in memory of Warren Gullickson

Dallas Christiansen

Susan Clambey in honor of Dacotah Nelson

Kris Cleary

Carrie & Tom Clemens in honor of Carolyn Solberg

Nancy & Robert Odney

Crystal & Jeff Cossette Knight

Patricia Cummins

Louise Dahl

Virginia & Robert Dambach

Kathryn & Daniel Damico in honor of Isaiah & Lily Damico

Rebecca Darling

Maureen & Thomas Davies

Rachele Davis

Dawn Deal Dahle

Joan & Dan Degerness

Diederich Endowment Fund

Jonnie & Leo Dignan

LaDawn Dostal

Kim & Devin Droog

Bryan & Melisa Duncan

Paula Duppong

Neil Dyer

Lori Ellingson

Lois Erickson

Marian Fagerholt

Lisa Faiman

Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation in honor of the Amazing Trollwood Tenacity

Lisa & Kenneth Farnham in honor of Lisa

Holly & Tim Fiehtner

Kyle Froehlich

Tom Froning

Laura & Nick Gariano

Pam & Jason Gibb

Patty Glennon

Edmund Goerger

Laura Torgerson

Justin Grams

Kimberley Green

Pat Grimson

Anna & Marc Grothmann

Sheila Gullickson in memory of Warren Gullickson

Patty Gulsvig

Dawn & Lee Gunderson

Sheila Gunness

Gail Gunst

Erika Haakenson

Jodi & Glen Haekenkamp

Home Hansen

Heather Hanson

Lenae & Mark Harless

Beth & Robert Haseltine in honor of Bailey, Betsy, & Ezra Krusen

Shirley Hayer in honor of Jazmeka Hayer

Billie Jo & Mark Hayes

Cynthia Heji

Todd & Maggy Henderson

Kristi Hendricks in memory of Warren Gullickson

High Point Networks

Tom McDougall

Lauren & Rick Hildebrand in memory of Warren Gullickson

Cherish & Ryan Hoffman

Becky & Ron Holten

Marie Offutt

Sharon Hoverson

Kela & Mike Howell

Lacey & Ryan Hubert

Julie Hudson

Reneida & Doug Hushka

Renae Ingersoll

Arland & Will Jacobson

Arin & Bruce Johnson

Marty & Maureen Jonason

Jackie & Brian Jones

Sheri & Andrew in honor of Justin Schulz

Molly Jorgenson

Sue & Dan Kadrmas

Melanie & Mark Kalvoda

Jenilee Kanenwisher

John & Colleen Karels

Duane Keller

Lori & Myron Keller in memory of Doris Quam

Kristin Kenner

Anne & Kevin Kidder in honor of Grace & Kaitlyn Kidder

Carrie Kienenberger

Diane Kjelstrup

Sharon & Steve Kleeman

Deloris Knight

Mary Knight

Lori & Hardy Koenig

Maria Weller & Kurt Cooyer

Jennifer & Jason Kratcha

Keagen Kratcha

Roberta Krenz

John Kringer in honor of Robert Kringler

John Kringler

Laura & Mark Krogen

Erin Kub

Carol Ladwig

Tracy & Mike LaMont

Kathy Leingang

Josee & Norman Leslie

Yiyi “Jessica” Li in memory of Bing Li

Lois & Ken Lucier

Timothy Lunde in memory of Warren Gullickson

Karen & Gary Mailloux

Laura & Cory Marcuson in memory of Hyllari Marcuson

Lusi Marin

John Marks in memory of Warren Gullickson

Lisa Martin

Angela & Michael Mathers

Kendra Maurer

Jennifer Mausolf

Emily & Colin May

Heidi & James Meline

Ronda Menze

Paul Meyers in memory of Ted M Larson

Trina Michels

Ivan Miller in memory of Hope Miller

Lisa Mistic

Lori & Dean Mittag

Carolyn & John Monzingo

Pamela & Michael Redlinger

Colleen Moriarty

Kristi Morrison

Scott Morrissy

Lisa Mouche in celebration of Cast & Crew of Singin’ in the Rain

LeAnn Mouw

Colleen & Aaron Murry

Barbara Nelson

Mary Margaret Nelson

Tram Nguyen

Yvonne & Steven Norgren

Julie Norman

Deirdre Nyquist

Paul O’Donnell

Denese & Ron Odegaard in honor of Warren Gullickson

Brock Odegard

Julie Olek

Allie Ollenburger

Martha & Michael Olsen

Audrey & Ardell Olson

Mary Olson

Michael Olson

Maren & Thomas Ortmeier

Jake Paper

Amy & Jim Parker

Kaylin Patrick

Sandra Petermann

Collin Polasky

Jay Puppe

Travis Quaschnick

Lois Ann Ramlo

Jennifer Ranz

Paulette & Bill Rastedt

Lori Reinertson

Sharla Richards

Lou & Gerald Richardson

Paula & Eugene Roach

Kyle Roesler

Alpha & Bill Roeszler

Judy Ronnie

Diana Rush

Jerri & Dale Rust

Evelyn Rutten

Gina Sandgren

Kimberly Sattler

Nem Schlecht

Heather Schmidt

Barbara Schmitt

Cheri & Errol Schoenfish

Gary & Sharon Secor

Linda Skalet

Mary & Shawn Skrove in honor of Grant Skrove

Gary Smith in honor of Kathy Anderson

Lara & Mark Sorgaard in memory of Warren Gullickson

Kerri Spiering

Kathy Spriggs

Sherri & John Stern

Oksana Svidersky

Norma & James Swanson

Lynn & Todd Swenson

Darren Syverson

Sandy Thiel in memory of Matt Thibedeau

Sandy Thiel in honor of Wayne Kischer

Jennifer & Blair Thoreson

Jennifer & Blair Thoreson in honor of Christian Thoreson

Sandy Thorne

Mary Thrond

Mae & Stephen Tinguely

Elizabeth Toussaint

David Triptow

Kelly Triptow

Michele & Travis Tuinstra

Donna Unrue

Jillain Veil-Ehnert

Brenda & Chad Vertin

Steven Vitalis

Miriam & Everett Vogel

Joshua Voytek in memory of Timothy Voytek

Jasen Walker

Meghan & Adam Watts

Chris & Jeremy Welsand

Jennifer Whitehead

Robin Williams

Scott Winkler

Polly Wolf

Jennifer & Barrett Wood

Jacob Wurth

Sydney Wurzer

Susan Farkas & Josh Wynne

Kathleen Yanish in memory of Bob Yanish

Anna & Ross Yost

Nicole Zelfer


Executive Director

Kathy Anderson has an extensive background in Arts Management spanning over 30 years. She started her career as a Music Industry student at Minnesota State University Moorhead, where she earned a Bachelor of Music degree and began her arts management career as an intern at Trollwood. Kathy has held numerous management positions in both non-profit and for-profit industries.

Since 2009, Kathy has been leading Trollwood Performing Arts School, where she has expanded its educational offerings by establishing programs such as the Trollwood Conservatory, Totally Trollwood Academy, and the Trollwood Children’s Theatre. In 1997, Kathy was instrumental in launching the nationally recognized STudents At Risk (STAR) program for Trollwood. Kathy has served as a producer for various Trollwood Mainstage Musical productions, including The Addams Family (2024), Singin’ in the Rain (2023), Cinderella (2021), Freaky Friday (2019), Hello, Dolly! (2018), Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (2017), Disney’s The Little Mermaid (2016), Disney’s Mary Poppins (2015), How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (2014), Shrek (2013), Legally Blonde (2012), The Music Man (2011), and Anything Goes (2010).

In 2012, Kathy was tasked to take on a larger role at Trollwood, where she oversees the management and programming of the venue known as Bluestem Center for the Arts. She also oversees all aspects of fundraising and development for the organization. Prior to that, she was the Executive Director for the Cass County Historical Society and Bonanzaville USA (1997-1999), where she directed a major renovation and secured funding for the development of the Lucien Barnes Pavilion at Bonanzaville. Kathy also worked for Microsoft (2000-2005) as a Technical Support Engineer and Technical Lead for the accounting package Great Plains before returning to Trollwood as the Director of Administration in 2005.

Aside from her professional arts management career, Kathy has a passion for music and enjoys writing and performing her own songs as a singer/songwriter. She cherishes spending quality time with her husband, Jim, and daughter, Jessica.


Artistic Director

Michael Walling is a nationally known New York City-based stage director and arts educator. Michael has been the resident guest director for Trollwood since 1992 and is currently the Artistic Director for the Mainstage Musical. Cinderella will mark the 30th stage production Michael has directed for Trollwood. This year the Arts Partnership is recognizing Michael’s artistic investment in TPAS and the Fargo-Moorhead area with the 2021 Outstanding Artist Award in the FM metro.

Michael was the Artistic Director of the Pit and Balcony Theatre Company in Michigan, directing 24 stage productions. He’s also served as Artistic Director for Fort Peck Theatre in Montana, directing and producing over 15 productions. For the last three decades, Mr. Walling has been a frequent Guest Artist/Lecturer on the regional theatre and university stage. Teaching masterclasses in stage directing and audition technique. Michael was a founding member of the Directors Company in the prestigious Goldberg Department of Dramatic Writing at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. Throughout 1992-2000, Michael directed numerous projects for the writing program.

As Artistic Director of the Mainstage Musical, Michael continues to lead a national artistic team to produce high-quality professional theatre while inspiring thousands of our local students through the discipline of arts education. Because of Michael’s continuous dedication to our community, it was announced in 2001 by the mayor of Fargo that from this day on, July 18th would officially be “Michael Walling Day” in Fargo ND.

Michael’s Trollwood directing credits include: 1992-Oklahoma, 1993-Anything Goes, 1994-Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 1995-West Side Story, 1996-Guys and Dolls, 1997-A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, 1998-42nd Street, 1999-Jesus Christ Superstar, 2000-Damn Yankees, 2001-Crazy for You, 2002-Footloose, 2003-Les Misérables, 2004-Kiss Me, Kate, 2005-Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, 2006-Fiddler on the Roof, 2007-Thoroughly Modern Millie, 2008-Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 2009-The Wiz, 2010-Anything Goes, 2011-The Music Man, 2012-Legally Blonde The Musical, 2013-Shrek The Musical, 2014-How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 2015-Mary Poppins, 2016-Disney’s The Little Mermaid, 2017-Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, 2018-Hello, Dolly!, in 2019-Freaky Friday, and Cinderella-2021.


Program Coordinator

Nancy has been involved with Trollwood as a volunteer and parent since 2003. She started her role on the Trollwood staff in January 2008 as the Events and Volunteer Services Coordinator. In the fall of 2009, Nancy took on the role of Program and Volunteer Services Coordinator for Trollwood. In her new capacity, Nancy continues coordinating all volunteer efforts and also oversees the youth arts programs of Trollwood including coordinating all aspects of the Trollwood Academy, Totally Trollwood Academy, Totally Trollwood Musical, Trollwood Conservatory, Trollwood Children’s Theatre, ArtSpark, the STAR program, and the Trollwood Student Leadership program. Nancy is responsible for developing curriculum, as well as hiring and managing the faculty for all of these key Trollwood programs. The parts of her job she enjoys the most include working with all of the wonderful students and volunteers that make up the Trollwood family. Her previous employment was with the Muscular Dystrophy Association where she served as Health Care Service Coordinator, running the MDA Clinic and Summer Camp programs. Prior to being employed by Trollwood, Nancy spent numerous hours volunteering for the organization. She served as the volunteer Ambassador Chair, assisted with poster distribution, Sun Celebration, Tech Week meals, mic wiring, concessions, set construction, the holiday card mailing, and more. Her love of theatre began at Fargo North High School where she performed in several shows. During college, she was a member of the North Dakota Repertory Theatre and also performed in shows at NDSU and at FMCT.


Technical Coordinator

Andrew Segal is the Technical Coordinator for the Fargo School District theaters. He moved here from Colorado in 2022 to be the Technical Director for Totally Trollwood and Trollwood Children’s Theatre. He oversees the Bluestem Stage, Fargo North, South, and Davies High School Technical Directors and the middle school theaters. Prior to his arrival to the area, he was the Technical Director for Windsor High School and University Schools in Colorado. He also taught Middle School Stem and Math. He has been involved with theater since the early 1980’s as an actor, director, teacher, theater manager, and technical director. As an entrepreneur he was the Creative Director for a theater school he created to provide additional theater training for students ages 6-18. His passion is Shakespeare, in fact, he directed a middle school production of Romeo and Juliet at Trollwood, on the old barn stage back in 1993, after one of the many Fargo floods tried to wipe out Trollwood park. Andrew is glad to be back in the area, despite the freezing temperatures, with his dog Lucy. He looks forward to the schools reaching new theatrical heights, and summers of fantastic productions on the Bluestem Stage.


Student Talent Mentor

Shawn Brekke serves as the Student Mentor for the Trollwood Mentorship Program. He earned his Bachelor of Music Education degree at the University of Oregon (1991) and his Master of Education degree at Minnesota State University-Moorhead (1995), where he also served as a graduate assistant. He began his music education career in Minnesota – Lake Park (1993), Dilworth (1994), and Detroit Lakes (1998), later finding a home at Fargo Schools (2000). Shawn retired from classroom teaching in 2023 and joined the FPS Virtual Academy and Trollwood teams in 2024.

Shawn, his wife, Kathie Brekke, and their son, Daniel Brekke, all perform professionally in the F-M area and the surrounding region. Each summer, you will find Shawn and Kathie at Jasper’s Theater (2004), a music and variety show venue in Park Rapids, MN, where they serve as operational staff and performers.


Graphic & Web Designer

Tyler is an artist-designer in Fargo-Moorhead with a passion for visual storytelling. He’s the graphic & web designer for Fargo Public Schools (FPS) and spends his days creating visuals and managing websites throughout the district. Before joining FPS, he worked with web developers and advertising agencies around the Red River Valley and holds a Master of Art + Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Art, and Bachelor of Science in Design Technology. He spends his time away from work experiencing the joys of life with his wife, two boys, and crazy dog. You might also catch him sketching ideas for personal art projects, exhibiting at comic book conventions, or intently studying cartoons and comics.


Communications Specialist

Adam Watts is a writer and communicator with about a decade of experience in the newspaper industry before entering his role as the communications specialist for Fargo Public Schools and Trollwood in the fall of 2021. He manages the social media accounts for both FPS and Trollwood, writes press releases for major events, and produces the weekly SchoolTalk e-Newsletters every week for the school district during the school year and the Trollwood Weekly newsletter every week at Trollwood during the summer. Adam has a degree in multimedia communication from Minnesota State University Moorhead. He was a sports reporter, news reporter, and page designer in multiple stints at The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, a sports reporter at the Worthington Daily Globe in Worthington, Minn., and the sports editor at the Winona Daily News in Winona Minn. Adam has a lifelong passion for theatre and grew up attending Trollwood’s Mainstage Musical every summer, so it is a thrill to be working at a place that has brought so much joy to his life. His first memory of seeing a musical on stage was Trollwood’s 1994 production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat when he was three years old, and he’s been a huge fan of that show and the theatre ever since. He performed in numerous high school productions at West Fargo High School, but has spared the community from having to watch him on stage since then.

The mission of Trollwood Performing Arts School is simple, “…to inspire those we serve through the arts to realize their full potential and be a positive influence in the global community.”

Trollwood believes that the arts have the power to transform people’s lives — to open them to the greatness that lies within them and in others.

Our primary goal is to develop and deliver the highest standard of performing arts education, which provides young people with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in future endeavors.

Underlying this performing arts curriculum is a commitment to instill lifeskills: confidence, creativity, communication skills, collaboration skills, citizenship and character.

In the course of serving young people, Trollwood realizes a second goal of providing high quality entertainment. Hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed performances by Trollwood Performing Arts School since its inception.

In order to accomplish this mission, Trollwood Performing Arts School:

  • Provides intense, quality learning and performing opportunities in the production and performing arts.
  • Provides an atmosphere where young people are encouraged to set goals, take risks and view mistakes as an avenue for learning.
  • Surrounds students with a staff of professional artists who serve as mentors and teachers, encouraging our students to commit to a high level of self-expectation.
  • Creates an awareness that the arts are a constructive vehicle of personal expression.
  • Demonstrates to the public the high level of performing and production arts skills that the students are capable of achieving when given proper training.